The Newsletter by Tokenize Xchange (Vol.132| April 2021)

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By Tokenize Xchange
June 17, 2021

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Minimal TKX Trading Fee Reduced from 0.5 to 0.01

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Previously, our users get 30% off from trading fees when choosing to use TKX to pay. However, the minimal amount required to make the transaction post-discount was 0.5TKX.

Not anymore, the floor is now reduced to 0.01TKX only. Users can now trade with a fee that is too low it may sound unreal, starting from this Monday. What’s even better? There is no expiration date.

With this cutdown, we thrive to get more transactions on the platform to stir things up and make our users’ experience more enjoyable.


New Coins Up This Friday

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On 16th April, we will support trading Terra (LUNA), Theta (THETA), Solana (SOL). Deposit and withdrawal functions will be made available as soon as possible.

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Tokenize Xchange Cheat Codes

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Become the trading champion by cutting down your expenses and obtaining a smart passive earning with us.

  1. Save on trading fee by using TKX as 30% discount:

If you’re a holder of TKX, you are eligible to get 30% off your trading fees on Tokenize Xchange when you choose to pay your fees in TKX.

2. Save on trading fee when you upgrade your membership:

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>>> Details: Link

3. Save on depositing/withdrawal fee when you are Premium / Platinum membership:

When you subscribe to a membership (Premium or Platinum), all the fees are cut down significantly.

>>> Details: Link

4. Earn with Crypto Earn:

Our Crypto Earn acts as a digital wallet that allows you to keep your crypto safe while still earning the ARP up to 12%.

5. Earn with Dual Earn:

Dual Earn is a type of crypto earn product that incentivize users to obtain the highest possible reward while satisfying their digital asset risk appetite. Regardless of market-moving higher or lower, users are still able to earn from the crypto rewards.

6. Earn with Referral program:

Earn as high as 10% APY on your referee’s crypto earn!

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ETH Berlin Hard Fork

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Ethereum’s Berlin Hard Fork is the next upcoming update to the Ethereum Network. There are four Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) included in the upcoming Berlin Hard Fork:

EIP-2565 ”ModExp Gas Prices”

Ethereum’s EIP-2565 proposal is about a change to how gas prices are defined when it comes to ”modular exponentiation”. Modular exponentiation — more broadly known as ”ModExp” — is a discrete exponential function that is important for many cryptographic functions.

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Today, however, Ethereum’s ModExp compiler is comparatively expensive, and EIP-2565 aims to make ModExp more usable in practice. EIP-2565 will attempt to do this by lowering gas prices for ModExp, and achieving strong randomness and security with e.g. VDFs (verifiable delay functions). Essentially, EIP-2565 will promote the use of a broader range of cryptographic operations for Ethereum smart contracts.

EIP-2718 ”Typed Transaction Envelope”

The EIP-2718 proposal, or the ”typed transaction envelope” proposal, aims to define a new transaction type. Specifically, this transaction type is planned to be an envelope for future Ethereum transaction types. So, what does this mean?

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Well, essentially, EIP-2718 recognizes that new Ethereum transaction types are hard to add, seeing as these need to be backward compatible with other Ethereum transactions. EIP-2718 wants to solve this by introducing a sort of ”wrapper”, or envelope, for future transaction types.

EIP-2929 ”Gas Cost Increases for State Access Opcodes”

This Ethereum Improvement Proposal, which is co-authored by Vitalik Buterin and Martin Swende, also relates to gas prices much like EIP-2565. However, unlike how EIP-2565 lowers ModExp gas prices, EIP-2929 will instead increase certain gas costs. Specifically, operations (or ”opcodes”) that access memory has traditionally been cheap and have been involved in DoS attacks.

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Although gas prices for opcodes have already been raised before, this has not sufficiently discouraged from these DoS attacks. The problem behind this is, according to EIP-2929, that it is still comparatively cheap for hackers to force all nodes to partake in this type of attack. EIP-2929 will increase the cost of state access opcodes roughly threefold, hopefully closing this vulnerability.

EIP-2930 ”Optional Access Lists”

The fourth and final EIP included in the Berlin hard fork is EIP-2930. According to the EIP’s ”simple summary”, EIP-2930 ”[a]dds a transaction type which contains an access list, a list of addresses and storage keys that the transaction plans to access. Accesses outside the list are possible but become more expensive”.

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As such, this EIP will enable a new type of transaction where accessing inside the access list is cheaper. This new transaction type builds on EIP-2718 and introduces an asset list format to Ethereum. Furthermore, EIP-2930 also reduces risks of contract breakage otherwise introduced with EIP-2929.

Bitcoin Reached New ATH, Analysts Set Sights on 70k

This early Tuesday, Bitcoin reached new all-time high above $63,000. After three months of consolidation, buyers have finally regained strength. Support is seen around the breakout zone of $60,000, which should be monitored for confirmation.

What are professionals saying about the bullish move?

Alex Blum, managing director at Two Prime:

  • “After several weeks of healthy consolidation below $60,000, bitcoin has continued to align with stock-to-flow model projections.”
  • Blum also noted that heavy options buying behavior suggests the $72,00 price mark is a good estimate for end-of-month price targets.

Joe DiPasquale, CEO of BitBull Capital:

  • “Each time bitcoin tested a lower value, the price went back above $60,000. Now that it has broken out past the resistance at $62,000, I expect it to reach $70,000 by end of May.”

Justin Chuh, a trader at Wave Financial, a digital asset management firm:

  • “As we enter unchartered territory, I continue to look at the calendar and perpetual futures as price discovery tools. It feels like the spot is getting dragged and yanked around by futures traders.”
  • previous strong resistance has turned into weak support at $61,000, according to Chuh.
  • “We have not added risk at or around these levels and are still determining if and how much to reduce.”

Matt Blom, head of sales and trading at Equos:

  • “If Bitcoin carries on trading within its trend channel, then May’s all-time high has the potential to register north of $80,000.”
  • “Bitcoin dances to its own drum. A push up to $70,000 will very likely be met with another ‘Bitcoin just crashed 20%’ moment that draws Peter Schiff out from his gold-plated coffin. Until then, it would appear that things are about to heat up.”
  • “If profit-takers and bears (are they a thing anymore?) fail to take Bitcoin back down below $61,700, then we will be free to focus on price discovery on the upside. $65,000 is the first hurdle, and then it’s all-eyes on the next big target: $70,000.”
  • “On the downside, a move down through support at $61,700 will dampen the mood. $58,820 will cap-off any downside action as the market will look to cement that level as the lower bound of any future trading range.”

Ether (ETH), the second-most valuable crypto asset by market cap, also set a new all-time high — $2,271.

Wall Street NFTs? New York Stock Exchange Apparently Has an NFT Strategy

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) minted its first set of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Monday with six homages to hot tech stocks that debuted on the world’s largest bourse.

With its minting, NYSE eases into a wild world of artists, musicians, and tongue-in-cheek opportunists all chasing massive payouts in exchange for their digital collectibles. But NYSE is refusing to capitalize on that market; its NFTs are not for sale.

A representative of NYSE parent company ICE was quick to inform CoinDesk the exchange was “minting” NFTs, not selling them. It was not clear at press time why NYSE would mint NFTs if not for the usual reason of material gain. For its part, NYSE claims it is issuing NFTs just for kicks: a “fun, new way” to honor companies’ public debuts.

MicroStrategy Says Some of Its Board Directors to Be Paid in Bitcoin

In an 8-K filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, MicroStrategy said that from April 11 onward non-employee directors on its board will receive all fees for their service in bitcoin instead of cash.

In making the announcement, the firm’s board cited its “commitment to bitcoin.” Under this new arrangement, at the time of payment, the fees will be converted from U.S. dollars into bitcoin and then deposited into the digital wallet of the director.

On April 5 MicroStrategy, purchased about 253 more BTC for $15 million in cash, bringing its total holdings to about 91,579 BTC.

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